Descargar Body Wisdom: Self-Healing Using Chinese and Natural Medicine: Self-healing Using Chinese and Natural Therapies de Jennifer Harper Libros Gratis en EPUB

Descargar Body Wisdom: Self-Healing Using Chinese and Natural Medicine: Self-healing Using Chinese and Natural Therapies de Jennifer Harper Ebooks, PDF, ePub, Body Wisdom: Self-Healing Using Chinese and Natural Medicine: Self-healing Using Chinese and Natural Therapies Descarga gratuita

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Reseña del editor At a time when interest in Chinese medicine is increasing, this is a lay-person’s guide to understanding the workings of the body, detecting imbalances and self healing, based on the premise that each organ is associated with the stability of a particular emotion.Simply structured, the book takes on major organ at a time, explaining how it works, symptoms of both balance and imbalance and possible causes, and healing strategies. These strategies are organised into biochemical (nutrition), emotional (flower remedies) electrical (acupressure) and physical (essential oils and exercise). There is also an explanation of TCM and the different healing approaches. Contraportada THIS INNOVATIVE AND INSPIRING BOOK COMBINES THE WISDOM OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE WITH SIMPLE, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE NATURAL THERAPIES WHICH CAN BE USED FOR SELF-HEALINGJennifer Harper outlines the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and helps you to understand your body and what its symptoms and your emotional states represent, according to this ancient system of diagnosis.She explains the basic functions of the organs, their correlation to the Chinese five element theory and how to treat any imbalances using:• AROMATHERAPY• REFLEXOLOGY• FLOWER ESSENCES• ACUPRESSURE• AFFIRMATIONS• MEDITATION• NUTRITIONThe author gives a unique interpretation of these therapies and techniques by skilfully incorporating the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.JENNIFER HARPER is a qualified and registered natural health practitioner and gifted healer. She runs a successful clinic and is a popular broadcaster in the field of complementary medicine.'This is a timely and remarkable text, bringing to life and making accessible the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Jennifer has given everybody the chance of helping themselves towards better health by offering a truly holistic approach to healing – bringing together mind, body and spirit.'LEON CHAITOW N.D., D.O.'Jennifer has courageously drawn together the ancient principles of Chinese medicine with simple, practical, understandable Western techniques and treatments that can be used not only to help the body heal ailments but also to empower the person.'LESLIE KENTON'A practical introduction to health and healing with Chinese medicine, uniquely integrating nutrition, aromatherapy and other therapies for a well-rounded holistic approach.'DR MICHAEL TIERRA, L.A.C., O.M.D. Biografía del autor Jennifer Harper is a Natural Health Consultant qualified in various holistic therapies including nutritional medicine, kinesiology, acupressure, aromatherapy, reflexology, counselling and massage.

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